Course Name Year Term Period Faculty / Graduate School All Instructors Credits
92006:Technology ManagementⅢ (MA) § 92007:Special Topics (Common Subjects) (EA) § 92008:Policy Science Special Lecture (P2) 2024 F2Q Tue6-7 Graduate School of Policy Science,Graduate School of Science and Engineering,Graduate School of Technology Management MINATO NOBUAKI 2



Class Venue




Course Outline and Method

This is an introductory-level modeling and simulation course for practicing technology and innovation management. Innovative technologies such as internet and mobile phone tend to diffuse in a market indicating typical s-shape trajectory overtime. We learn the basics of modeling and simulation techniques to evaluate long-term, dynamic behavior of innovation diffusion. The lectures will be given in face-to-face classes.

Student Attainment Objectives

The goal of the course is for students to acquire fundamental modeling and simulation skill using System Dynamics to predict the market diffusion of new products and services.

Recommended Preparatory Course


Course Schedule

Lecture/Instructor(When there are multiple instructors) Theme
Keyword, References and Supplementary Information
Lecture #1 - #2


Explain the purpose, methods, schedule, and evaluation criteria of the lecture. Understand the basics of systems dynamics modeling and simulation.

Lecture #3 - #4

Systems Thinking and Causal Loop Diagram

Understand the basics of systems thinking and be able to visualize and analyze the structure of a complex system issue using causal loop diagram.

Lecture #5 - #6

Stock and Flow Diagram

Learn how to develop stock flow diagrams using software. Understand the structure of exponential growth behavior, goal seeking behavior and oscillation behavior.

Lecture #7 - #8

Modeling of S-shaped Growth

Learn how to develop SI model to reproduce S-shaped growth behavior. Test the model validity using time series data. To be able to construct an epidemic process model for infectious diseases diffusion.

Lecture #9 - #10

Modeling of Market Diffusion

Learn how to develop Bass diffusion model to forecast the market penetration of products and services. To be able to construct a product disposal process model for durable consumer goods and a product repurchase process model for consumables.

Lecture #11 - #14

Final Project

Apply the learned theories and modeling techniques to replicate the diffusion process of products and services. Use causal loop diagrams to derive hypotheses about the mechanisms of problem occurrence, and construct simulation models using stock and flow diagrams. Conduct reproducibility tests of the model using time-series data, execute simulations under multiple scenarios, and make future predictions based on the results.

Lecture #15

Final Presentation

Summarize the results of modeling and simulation on the diffusion process of innovation, and present them in the class.

Class Format

Face-to-face classes

Recommendations for Private Study

There are individual modeling assignments in the first half of the lecture. Students are required to conduct a small group project in the second half of the lecture.

Grade Evaluation Method

Kind Percentage Grading Criteria etc.
Final Examination (Written)

Report Examination
(A report to be submitted by the unified deadline)

Exams and/or Reports other than those stated above, and Continuous Assessment 
(Evaluation of Everyday Performance in Class)

Assignments: 60%
Final presentation: 40%

Grade Evaluation Method (Note)

Advice to Students on Study and Research Methods

Students are required to bring their personal computer for in-class exercises. Please download and install the following simulation software prior to the lecture.
Vensim® Personal Learning Edition (Vensim®PLE) by Ventana Systems Inc.


Title Author Publisher ISBN Code Comment
Business Dynamics - Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World - John. D. Sterman McGrowill 9780072389159

Textbooks (Frequency of Use, Note)

Reference Books

Reference Books (Frequency of Use, Note)

Web Pages for Reference

System Dynamics Society

How to Communicate with the Instructor In and Out of Class(Including Instructor Contact Information)

Talk with Students

Other Comments

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