Course Name Year Term Period Faculty / Graduate School All Instructors Credits
36441:Liberal Arts Seminar (17) § 36442:Theme Study (17) 2023 Fall Mon5 College Of Law,College Of Economics,College Of Business Administration,College Of Social Sciences,College Of International Relations,College Of Policy Science,College Of Letters,College of Image Arts and Sciences,College of Comprehensive Psychology,College of Science and Engineering,College of Gastronomy Management,College of Information Science and Engineering,College of Life Sciences,College of Pharmaceutical Sciences,College of Sport and Health Science (tentative name) NISHIZAWA MIKIO 2



Class Venue




Course Outline and Method

【Class Theme】Culture and science in German-speaking regions

There are great influences by German on the Japanese culture and science since Meiji period, when Prussia was a prominent country in the Europe. After the World War 2, USA occupies the priority position in the natural sciences instead of Germany. However, Germany is still significantly contributing to the science and culture in the world. Targets of this seminar are the students who have interest on the science and culture in Germany and German-speaking regions. To deeply understand them, the lecturer gives a view points and materials about the perspectives in each seminar. Based on them, the students discuss with other student and the lecturer to achieve deep comprehension. During the lectures, each student select her/his own topic or theme and prepare a report by collecting references (literatures or web searches). In the final seminars, the students present their reports using slides and discuss about them with each other. A review and comments of the presentation will be provided as feedback via manaba+R.

Style: This course is based on live-streamed classes via Zoom.

Student Attainment Objectives

1. Students can explain about Geremany, German, and German-speaking regions, as well as outlines of German science and culture.
2. Students can explain about the relationship between Germany and the world and German-Japanese relationship in scientific fields.

Recommended Preparatory Course

None in particular

Course Schedule

Lecture/Instructor(When there are multiple instructors) Theme
Keyword, References and Supplementary Information

Germany and German-speaking regions

German,Germany,Austria, Switzerland, overview


Perspective 1: German food cuture and agriculture

Bread, ham and sausage, coffee, wine


Perspective 2: German music

Church music, symphony, oper, operetta, promotion of music


Perspective 3: Establishment of German and its difference from other language

Martin Luther, Luther's New Testament (Die Lutherbibel), typographic printing, differences between German and English


Perspective 4: Mass media in German-speaking regions

Newspaper, radio, TV, movie, internet, vacation and work


Perspective 5: Climate, trafic, and architecture in German-speaking regions

Geography, climate, market place, beer, palace, Autobahn, train


Perspective 6: German in natural science and German influence

German words in science, German words in Japanese, German doctors


Perspective 7: Arts and sports in German-speaking regions

Middle Ages, plague, museum, Northern Renaissance, promotion of art and culture, football


Perspective 8: German and its dialects

German, grammar, vocabulary, orthography, dialects, Swiss German, Goethe Institute


Perspective 9: Education and research in German-speaking regions

Education, doctor degree, title, University, theology


Perspective 10: Religion and politics in Germany

Church, Protestant Reformation, Christmas, Carnival, Easter


Perspective 11: German history of natural sciences

Science, World wars, molecular biology, support for research


Perspective 12: German history and German view of the world

German Empires, Prussia, Nazis, EU, Chancellor Merkel


Presentation 1

Reports, discussion


Presentation 2

Reports, discussion

Class Format

During the suspension period of BCP, classes will be as described in BCP levels 0-2.

< BCP Level 1–2 >
Conduct media-based classes from Lecture 1 to 15.

< BCP Level 3–4 >
Conduct media-based classes from Lecture 1 to 15.

*The Liberal Arts Seminar will be offered online for a total of 15 sessions.
Students may take the course from any environment where they can concentrate and participate in class.
Classrooms are prepared only at the campus where the person in charge of the class belongs.
You will need to bring your own PC and earphones if you choose to take the course in the classroom.

Recommendations for Private Study

It is recommended to read articles of journals and books that are introduced by the lectures for seeking your topics.

Grade Evaluation Method

Kind Percentage Grading Criteria etc.
Final Examination (Written) 0

Report Examination
(A report to be submitted by the unified deadline)

Exams and/or Reports other than those stated above, and Continuous Assessment 
(Evaluation of Everyday Performance in Class)

<BCP level 1 or 2>
The following points are evaluated: How a student joins the discussion in the seminar (20%); the quality of the presentation of the report (40%); and how deeply a student understands the selected topic in each report (40%).

<BCP level 3 or 4>
No changes of the grading criteria.

Grade Evaluation Method (Note)

Advice to Students on Study and Research Methods

【Stage 2】授業言語は英語です。TOEFL ITP ®400~480、TOEFL iBT®テスト32~55、TOEIC® 380~580、IELTS4.5~5.0、などと同スコア程度を想定しています。

This class is open for the students with the following English ability :a TOEFL ITP®test score between 400 and 480, a TOEFL iBT®test score between 32 and 55, a TOEIC®test score between 380 and 580, an IELTS score between 4.5 and 5.0, or equivalent

*TOEIC®, TOEFL®はEducational Testing Service(ETS)の登録商標です。


Textbooks (Frequency of Use, Note)

No comments in particular

Reference Books

Reference Books (Frequency of Use, Note)

To be mentioned, if required

Web Pages for Reference

How to Communicate with the Instructor In and Out of Class(Including Instructor Contact Information)

Learning Management System (manaba+R),Other (Separate instructions will be provided)

Other Comments

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