Course Name | Year | Term | Period | Faculty / Graduate School | All Instructors | Credits |
36438:Liberal Arts Seminar (16) § 36439:Theme Study (16) | 2023 | Fall | Fri2 | College Of Law,College Of Economics,College Of Business Administration,College Of Social Sciences,College Of International Relations,College Of Policy Science,College Of Letters,College of Image Arts and Sciences,College of Comprehensive Psychology,College of Science and Engineering,College of Gastronomy Management,College of Information Science and Engineering,College of Life Sciences,College of Pharmaceutical Sciences,College of Sport and Health Science (tentative name) | YAMANAKA TSUKASA | 2 |
Class Venue
Course Outline and Method
【遠隔連携授業(韓国: 高麗大学、台湾: 淡江大学、日本: 早稲田大学)を実施します。オンライン環境を用いて国内外の大学と合同でグループワークや発表をします。英語能力よりも高いモチベーションを持った目的意識のある学生の履修を求めます】
This course features web-meeting with students of Korea University, Tamkang University, and Waseda University and in-class presentations by students. The students in this course are required to make proposals on a current problem, discuss the proposals in the web-meeting, and make in-class presentations on the latter part of the course. Through the discussion, the students will learn how to discuss in English, manage the discussion, reply to the proposal, and improve their own proposals based on the comments.
The first lecture is conveyed by the faculty in charge, explaining how you could launch a project and cut into it by illustrating concrete examples. From the second lecture, you will report the project's progress, and discuss with audience including the lecturer.
Student Attainment Objectives
- Enrich your views on issues from macro- to micro-level, and able to explore a solution of social issues through multi-angle discussion.
- Plan a fieldwork autonomously, you are able to present your problem-finding and its project for solution.
- Be able to launch your own project with a plan of autonomous learning, and practice it from global perspective of view.
Recommended Preparatory Course
This class is open for the students with the following English ability :a TOEFL ITP®test score between 400 and 480, a TOEFL iBT®test score between 32 and 55, a TOEIC®test score between 380 and 580, an IELTS score between 4.5 and 5.0, or equivalent
*TOEIC®, TOEFL®はEducational Testing Service(ETS)の登録商標です。
Course Schedule
Lecture/Instructor(When there are multiple instructors) | Theme |
Keyword, References and Supplementary Information | |
1 |
Orientation & brainstorming
2 〜 4 |
【Joint Online Collaborative Class using Skype】
5 |
Mid-term presentation & share the outcomes. |
6 〜 8 |
【Joint Online Collaborative Class using Skype】
9 〜 12 |
Presentation and discussion of project progress and outcome.
13 〜 15 |
Final presentation & share the outcomes. |
Class Format
During the suspension period of BCP, classes will be as described in BCP levels 0-2.
※Liberal Arts Seminarは全15回オンラインで実施しますので、集中して授業に参加できる環境であればどこで受講しても構いません。各クラス、授業担当教員の所属キャンパスのみ受講用教室を用意します。教室で受講する際も、PCおよびイヤホン等をご自身で準備・持参してください。
*The Liberal Arts Seminar will be offered online for a total of 15 sessions.
Students may take the course from any environment where they can concentrate and participate in class.
Classrooms are prepared only at the campus where the person in charge of the class belongs.
You will need to bring your own PC and earphones if you choose to take the course in the classroom.
Recommendations for Private Study
You are required to perform your projects autonomously as out of class activity. Throughout the course, you are highly expected to use English as much as possible.
Grade Evaluation Method
Kind | Percentage | Grading Criteria etc. |
Final Examination (Written) | ||
Report Examination (A report to be submitted by the unified deadline) |
Exams and/or Reports other than those stated above, and Continuous Assessment (Evaluation of Everyday Performance in Class) |
100 | ・プロジェクトの内容/アウトカム(50%)
Grade Evaluation Method (Note)
Advice to Students on Study and Research Methods
This lecture is a SPACE that you can practice and express your own project. You are required to engage in a project which you find from your "life", and transmit the outcome in English. The lecturer advices to your project from academic and practical perspective. Enjoy broadening your horizons and connecting the “dots” towards your future. How you would make it useful and functional is entirely up to you!
※ 「役に立つ」とは、皆さんの将来の仕事や研究を含めた「ライフワーク」として取り組むであろうテーマに繋がることを意味します。(The content of the project is desirable to link your future.)
Textbooks (Frequency of Use, Note)
Reference Books
Reference Books (Frequency of Use, Note)
Web Pages for Reference
How to Communicate with the Instructor In and Out of Class(Including Instructor Contact Information)
Other Comments