授業科目名 年度 学期 開講曜日・時限 学部・研究科 全担当教員 単位数
16782:IR18‐FE202 Professional Workshop(R) § 16783:IR-EDS301 Professional Workshop(R) § 16784:RUIR-2807 Professional Workshop(R) 2024 春セメスター 金4-5 国際関係学部 CHADHA Astha 2








This course aims for international students/bilingual Japanese students to start a dream search for both Japanese and international opportunities (including jobs). Students will understand the recent trends and examine various (career, academic, research, creative) opportunities that match their interests. They will 1) research sectors and entities they wish to apply to, 2) prepare application documents, and 3) participate in mock exercises.

Additionally, the class invites several guest speakers who will share their work experiences. Potential areas include international cooperation, foreign affairs, human rights, international businesses such as consulting and startups, etc. The guest lectures will mainly be conducted in person.


The students will be able to:
1. Identify sectors and entities that meet their skills and interests
2. Learn how to find opportunities (including jobs) and how to apply for organizations
3. Learn specific and practical knowledge needed for the career path in different sectors.
4. Get ready for interviews through in-class mock interviews


 No prerequisite classes.


1 (April 12 2024)

Introduction: Professional Workshop:
Understanding the meaning of being “professional”.

1. Orientation: reviewing the syllabus.
2. Self-analysis: *Who am I? Who are you? *What do you want to be? What do you want to do (function), why, and how?
3. Narrating your life stories and dreams (Plans).
*What does “professional” mean?
*Group exercise: challenging the professions (“Reiwa” version).

2-3 (April 19 2024)

How to open your opportunities and career path(s) inside/outside Japan?

1. Life stories: Guest Lecture (Entrepreneur; US Think tank; Diversity and Inclusion)
2. Dialogue (Q&A): how to make life happy and successful in different countries, prospects (working outside your own countries, etc).

4-5 (May 10, 2024)

How to make your dream come true and develop a career inside/outside Japan?

1. Individual interview for Resume/CV Preparation
2. Group activities and discussion about assignments

6-7 (May 17, 2024)

Working in the Education Sector (Government and Private)

1. Life stories: Guest Lecture (Prefectural Education Office)
2. Dialogue (Q&A): What’s next for my country with Japan, and more?; Exploring Japan's education sector?

8-9 (May 24, 2024)

Sector Research Presentations: IT and Fintech

1. Life stories: Guest Lecture (Senior Manager, Japanese IT company)
2. Presentations of sector research, and the rationale of the chosen/selected firms per group, followed by Q&A
3. "Why others should be also interested in wanting to get a job from this sector" etc.

10-11 (May 31, 2024)

Working in Market/Economy/Political Research organizations

1. Life stories: Guest Lecture (President, Japanese Think-Tank)
2. Team presentations of their market research, followed by Q&A

12-13 (June 07, 2024)

Work environment and productivity

1. Life stories: Guest Lecture (Dean, Japanese University; work experience in US, New Zealand, Japan)
2. Discussion: learning and analyzing the workplace and working experience; Diversity in the workplace.

14-15 (June 14, 2024)

Exploring Diplomacy and Foreign Services
Final Presentations

1. Life stories: Guest Lecture (Officer, US Consulate Osaka)
2. Final presentations by each team


Face-to-face classes


 Research the research fields, sectors, and companies you are interested. Dig out the useful resources for job hunting.


種別 割合(%) 評価基準等



In-class participation: 20%
Assignments: 40%
Presentations: 40%



Class policy on AI usage / academic dishonesty:

1. Students are required to uphold academic honesty in class for all assignments, reports, quizzes, etc.
2. Students’ use of generative AIs, including grammar checkers like Grammarly or translators such as
Google Translate is strictly prohibited. Reports, assignments, or any course-related written work using AI in any measure for text generation, will be treated as plagiarism and graded according to the university rules for plagiarism/academic dishonesty. Additionally, directly copying or using information from electronic tools, or using false information taken directly from generative AI software, such as ChatGPT, will also be treated as academic dishonesty.
3. Students are therefore advised and encouraged to use the Writing Tutorial Program provided by the university and seek help from tutors, rather than relying on AI or software such as for grammar checks.









The guest speakers' list will be announced at a later date.

The instructor has worked in the following sectors:
- Finance (Investment Banking)
- Policy research/Think tank (Research Fellow, focusing on Indo-Pacific security affairs as well as gender security)

【科目ナンバリング・カリキュラムマップはこちらから/Click here to see the Curriculum-Map and Course-Numbering】
【科目ナンバリング・カリキュラムマップはこちらから/Click here to see the Curriculum-Map and Course-Numbering】