授業科目名 | 年度 | 学期 | 開講曜日・時限 | 学部・研究科 | 全担当教員 | 単位数 |
17934:Liberal Arts Seminar (13) § 17935:Theme Study(13) | 2023 | 秋セメスター | 水5 | 法学部,経済学部,経営学部,産業社会学部,国際関係学部,政策科学部,文学部,映像学部,総合心理学部,理工学部,食マネジメント学部,情報理工学部,生命科学部,薬学部,スポーツ健康科学部 | 小林 香保里 | 2 |
This course is designed to help students develop intercultural communication skills, collaboratively problem-solving skills, and project skills through working on a group project with Asian students in English.
The project is going to be done in distance online, and students are going to use ICT and SNS skills. They will communicate with their partner students from Asia, most possibly from Taiwan, to implement their project. They will give their final presentation in the international exchange meeting, the Asian Students Exchange Program (ASEP) hosted by Education Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government, Taiwan, which means that students are expected to travel to Taiwan to attend the meeting in Dec. (around 12/26-29). However, there will be a possibility that the international exchange meeting will be held via Zoom according to the situation of COVID-19.
The general topic will be informed by the ASEP committee, and students will discuss with their partners from abroad to choose their topic in relation to the ASEP general topic.
1. Intercultural communication skills
2. Collaboratively problem-solving skills
3. Project skills which include:
1) research, discussion and presentation skills in English
2) engaging with challenges of working across cultures and building good relationships
3) accomplishing a project
*TOEIC®, TOEFL®はEducational Testing Service(ETS)の登録商標です。
授業回数/ 担当教員(複数担当の場合) |
テーマ |
キーワード・文献・補足事項等 | |
1 | Introduction to the course |
Effective & interactive communication and co-learning(peer-learning) across cultures
2 | Introduction to the international exchange meeting, the Asian Students Exchange Program (ASEP) |
Discussion skills
3 | ASEP Theme & Grouping Research skills |
Discussion on challenges expected to the project study across cultures & how to cope with them
4 | Meeting with Asian partners (Introducing each other & discussion on project theme) |
Discussion on project theme
5 | Meeting with Asian partners & discussion on project topic |
Project skills
6 | Reporting group project & discussion |
Research on group project and discussion
7 | Reporting group project & discussion |
Research skills (Interview & questionnaire)
8 | Reporting project work & discussion |
Presentation skills
9 | Project work |
Reporting group project
10 | Project work |
Reporting group project
11 | Project work |
Reporting group project
12 | Rehearsal for ASEP |
Communication with partner students to prepare for the presentation
13 | Rehearsal for ASEP |
Communication with partner students to prepare for the presentation
14 | Rehearsal for ASEP |
Communication with partner students to prepare for the presentation
15 | Course summary and reflection activity on the project work & participation in the ASEP |
Questionnaire |
During the suspension period of BCP, classes will be as described in BCP levels 0-2.
All the classes will be conducted via Zoom.
*The Liberal Arts Seminar will be offered online for a total of 15 sessions.
Students may take the course from any environment where they can concentrate and participate in class.
Classrooms are prepared only at the campus where the person in charge of the class belongs.
You will need to bring your own PC and earphones if you choose to take the course in the classroom.
種別 | 割合(%) | 評価基準等 |
定期試験(筆記) | ||
レポート試験 (統一締切日を締切とするレポート) |
上記以外の試験・レポート、平常点評価 (日常的な授業における取組状況の評価) |
100 | 1. Active participation and every day performance: 40%
Over the 15 classes, students will receive marks for class contribution and participation according to below points.
A) Neither late attendance nor early leave.
B) Actively participate in pair & group works, and other class discussions.
C) No excessive use of electronic devices or any other items unrelated to class contents.
*If you are absent more than 2 times, a passing grade will not be granted unless you provide convincing and justifiable reasons.
3.12月(12/26-29頃)に3泊4日で台湾で開催されるAsian Students Exchange Program(ASEP)に参加していただきます。(ASEPの一般情報については、後に示すURLを検索してください。2023年度の開催詳細については、初回の授業でお知らせする予定です)。
You can learn about "The Asian Student Exchange Program" at the following sites.