Course Name Year Term Period Faculty / Graduate School All Instructors Credits
13918:Anglo-American Law Ⅰ (J) § 13919:Comparative Law (R) 2023 Spring Thu2 College Of Law,College Of International Relations WOLF MICHAEL L. 2



Class Venue




Course Outline and Method

The primary focus of this course is to introduce students to the fundamental characteristics of American public law and government. We will examine the U.S. constitution and case law to discuss subjects including sources of U.S. law, the three branches of government, criminal law, civil rights, ethics, and other aspects of public law. We will also discuss contemporary issues in American law, politics, and society.

In addition to reviewing the principles of U.S. law, the course will develop the students’ critical thinking skills. Students are expected to answer questions when called upon, and interact with the instructor and classmates.

Student Attainment Objectives

Students will learn the fundamental characteristics of American law and politics.
Students will read the text and review case law to discuss subjects including the three branches of government, civil rights, criminal law, and criminal procedure.
Students will also discuss contemporary issues in American law, politics, and society.

Recommended Preparatory Course

THE CLASS WILL BE TAUGHT ENTIRELY IN ENGLISH, and all assigned reading will be from American case law and other related materials. Assignments are to be completed before the start of class, so that students will be able to answer questions from the instructor and actively participate in class discussions.

Course Schedule

Lecture/Instructor(When there are multiple instructors) Theme
Keyword, References and Supplementary Information

Structure of the U.S. Legal System


The Courts


The Legislature


The Executive Branch and Administrative Law


Substantive Law vs. Procedural Law




Review, discussion, and MID-TERM EXAM


Legal Professionals


Legal Ethics for Legal Professionals


Criminal Law


Criminal Procedure


Final Review and test

Class Format

During the suspension period of BCP, classes will be as described in BCP levels 0-2.

We will determine the format for classes depending on the BCP level at the time.

【BCP Level 1~2】
・Conduct face-to-face classes.

【BCP Level 3~4】
・Conduct web-based classes.

CHECK MANABA OFTEN FOR UPDATES. The above is subject to change.

Recommendations for Private Study

Read all assigned text and review all assigned vocabulary before the next class. Do not wait until the night before the assignment is due.
Make a list of any vocabulary or concepts you do not understand. Bring the list to class.
Be ready to ask and answer questions in class. Participation is required.

Grade Evaluation Method

Kind Percentage Grading Criteria etc.
Final Examination (Written) 0

Report Examination
(A report to be submitted by the unified deadline)

Exams and/or Reports other than those stated above, and Continuous Assessment 
(Evaluation of Everyday Performance in Class)

Assignments, participation,
and presentations 10%

Mid-term exam 30%

Final exam 60%

Grade Evaluation Method (Note)

1. Attendance is mandatory. Students with five or more unexcused absences will fail this course. Two late arrivals will count as one absence. It is your responsibility to keep track of your tardiness and absences.
2. If you are absent, you are responsible for contacting another class member or the professor to find out what you missed, and the homework due before the next class.

3. An unexcused absence on an exam day will result in a zero for the exam.

4. You are expected to complete all homework as assigned, and be ready to discuss the material in class.

5. All students are required to check their email and manaba +R regularly for class updates and announcements.

Advice to Students on Study and Research Methods

Make a list of any vocabulary or concepts you do not understand. Bring the list to class.
Be ready to ask and answer questions in class.


Textbooks (Frequency of Use, Note)

Reference Books

Reference Books (Frequency of Use, Note)

Web Pages for Reference

How to Communicate with the Instructor In and Out of Class(Including Instructor Contact Information)

Talk with Students,Other (Separate instructions will be provided)

Other Comments

Feel fee to contact me by email at any time with questions, or to make an appointment to visit my office at Shugakukan room 492.
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