授業科目名 | 年度 | 学期 | 開講曜日・時限 | 学部・研究科 | 全担当教員 | 単位数 |
36450:Liberal Arts Seminar (20) § 36451:Theme Study(20) | 2023 | 秋セメスター | 水5 | 法学部,経済学部,経営学部,産業社会学部,国際関係学部,政策科学部,文学部,映像学部,総合心理学部,理工学部,食マネジメント学部,情報理工学部,生命科学部,薬学部,スポーツ健康科学部 | 近藤 雪絵 | 2 |
In this seminar, we will learn about religious and cultural concepts and practice in Japanese and translating them into English.
Therefore, a certain level of understanding of both Japanese and English is required.
In this seminar, you will present “Kyoto on My Mind” in the form of a video.
When we describe Japanese religions and culture in English, literal translations may not be sufficient to achieve real comprehension. For example, "yaoyorozu no kami" can be translated as “eight million gods,” but to convey the true meaning of this phrase, it is necessary to explain the history and culture behind it.
In this seminar, we will focus on Kyoto and pursue our own points of interest. Seigen Mori, Assistant Steward and Priest of Kiyomizu-dera Temple, will give a lecture on Kiyomizu-dera Temple, in which you will explore points of particular interest. You will then discuss and experiment with your ideas on how to explain these points in English.
As your course project, you will create your own "Kyoto on My Mind" video.
Since you are studying at Ritsumeikan University, take this opportunity to discover Kyoto, the city where Ritsumeikan University was founded, with your own eyes by doing your own project!
英語で日本の宗教や文化を英語で伝えようとする際、単に日本語をそのまま英語に翻訳するだけでは、その真髄が伝わらないことがあります。例えば「八百万の神」をそのままEight million godsと訳しても間違いではありませんが、その心を伝えるには、言葉が生み出された歴史や文化を理解し、説明する必要があるでしょう。
最終プロジェクトとして、自分だけの「京都」(Kyoto on My Mind)をコンテンツにし、動画の形式で発信します。
To be able to communicate your understanding of Japanese religion and culture in English to an audience with no background knowledge.
2. Acquiring skills for producing in video format
To understand the necessary steps and components for creating academic video content.
To be able to convey ideas through videos.
3. Kaizen through collaboration
To be able to exchange feedback to allow you to independently improve your work.
授業回数/ 担当教員(複数担当の場合) |
テーマ |
キーワード・文献・補足事項等 | |
1 | Introduction |
course outline, objectives |
2 | What is “Kyoto on My Mind”? |
diversity, background, viewpoint, experience |
3 | Self-promotion |
self-promotion, presentation, feedback
4 | My Kyoto from the inside |
religion, culture, presentation, discussion |
5 | My Kyoto from the outside |
religion, culture, presentation, discussion |
6 | Understanding and interpreting Japanese religion and culture 01 |
Kyoto, Kiyomizu Temple, religion, culture, interpretation |
7 | Understanding and interpreting Japanese religion and culture 02 |
Kyoto, Kiyomizu Temple, religion, culture, interpretation |
8 | Learning about Japanese religion and culture 2 "Kiyomizu Temple” |
Kyoto, Kiyomizu Temple, religion, culture, interpretation |
9 | Reflection |
review, reflection, discussion |
10 | Sharing our thoughts on Japanese religion and culture |
Kyoto, Kiyomizu Temple, religion, culture, interpretation
11 | Guidance on creating videos |
video, movie, project, presentation, discussion |
12 | Creating our videos |
video, movie, project, presentation, discussion |
13 | Developing our videos |
video, movie, project, presentation, discussion |
14 | Final presentations |
video, movie, project, presentation, discussion
15 | Review |
review, reflection, discussion |
During the suspension period of BCP, classes will be as described in BCP levels 0-2.
Online classes
We will use Zoom (Meeting APP) and Slack (Communication APP).
*The Liberal Arts Seminar will be offered online for a total of 15 sessions.
Students may take the course from any environment where they can concentrate and participate in class.
Classrooms are prepared only at the campus where the person in charge of the class belongs.
You will need to bring your own PC and earphones if you choose to take the course in the classroom.
種別 | 割合(%) | 評価基準等 |
定期試験(筆記) | ||
レポート試験 (統一締切日を締切とするレポート) |
上記以外の試験・レポート、平常点評価 (日常的な授業における取組状況の評価) |
100 | Class participation and contribution (50%), presentations, videos (30%), and portfolio (20%) |
This class is open for the students with the following English ability :a TOEFL ITP®test score between 400 and 480, a TOEFL iBT®test score between 32 and 55, a TOEIC®test score between 380 and 580, an IELTS score between 4.5 and 5.0, or equivalent
*TOEIC®, TOEFL®はEducational Testing Service(ETS)の登録商標です。